How to share & customize 2023 Spotify Wrapped results?

Where Spotify Wrapped 2023 has fallen and it's the most wonderful time of the year.

Now is the time for you to sit back and review your top artists, genres and songs of the year.

This 2023, Spotify Wrapped offers even more insight into your listening habits than ever before.

Tap the "Your Stories" box under the "Your 2023 Wrapped" heading to watch a short video about listening habits.

How to share Spotify wrapped results?

Then when you reach the shareable state, tap the "Share this story" button, copy the link, or download the result.

If you send a link, you are sending your entire wrapped, if there are any specific details you want to share, download it and send the image.

Spotify Wrapped lets you customize the appearance of your results before decorating, choosing from six background colors: red, light purple, yellow, green, dark purple, or black.

How to customize Spotify wrapped results?