Recipe For pro peoples

6 "Bad" Fruits You Should Be Eating When You Have Diabetes, According to Dietitian !

By vicky samrat

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Diabetes is a chronic condition characterized by elevated blood sugar levels due to the body's inability to produce or use insulin effectively. It requires careful management through lifestyle changes, medication, and monitoring to prevent complications and maintain optimal health. 

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Avocado: High in healthy fats, it doesn't affect blood sugar and may lower glucose and insulin responses. 

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Banana: Unripened green bananas are rich in resistant starch, aiding in reducing blood glucose levels. Smaller portions of ripened bananas offer fiber for gut health. 

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Mango: Provides fiber that slows sugar absorption, aiding in glucose management. Fresh mango promotes satiety and stabilizes glucose levels effectively. 

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Oranges: Rich in vitamin C and fiber, whole oranges support fullness and stable blood sugar levels. 

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Prunes: Low in added sugar and high in fiber, beneficial for gut health and blood sugar balance. 

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Watermelon: Despite sweetness, it has relatively low sugar content and a low glycemic load. Contains heart-healthy antioxidants like lycopene, important for those with diabetes. 

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