Apple filed appeal after Apple Watch banned in America

Apple Watch banned News: The White House has authorized a ban on Apple’s smartwatches, with the ban on Apple’s latest smartwatch models going into effect on Tuesday. The Apple Watch Series 9 and Apple Watch Ultra 2 will no longer be available if you look at an Apple Store or online.

Apple on Tuesday said it does not recognize the patent infringement decision by the Biden administration and will appeal against the US ban on its latest smartwatch model. During this time, Apple has also got a big hit because it was Apple’s new pattern watch which has become popular online and on Apple Store.

Apple Watch banned banned in America, know the full news

The reason behind Apple Watch banned: This ban has been imposed due to the disputed patent of blood oxygen function. This ban has kept the tech giants fighting this battle over valuable patents and we have also seen Google fighting against Sonos in the battle of speaker technology.

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America has just Apple Watch banned and if you go to see these models in stores or online, they will not be available. Here we have told why Apple Watch has been banned?

The reason behind Apple Watch banned

The beginning of this decision was seen in October, where it was said that Apple Watch models would be banned in which the disputed patent for blood oxygen level monitoring has been used and the White House would ban the same model.

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America’s International Trade Commission (ITC) has Apple Watch banned in America after seeing this patent, meanwhile Apple has also filed an appeal against it. Apple has filed an appeal in US federal court, arguing that the ITC’s decision was unfair and should be overturned.

ITC banned blood oxygen level monitoring due to disputed patent

Where after this hearing, Apple has stopped the sale of Apple Watch Series 9 and Apple Watch Ultra 2 in America and it is not available both in stores and online. ITC had given time till December 25 to Apple for this ban and we have imposed this ban on December 27.

Apple has stopped the sale on online store on December 21 and on retail store on December 24 and till now Series 9 and Ultra 2 models will not be seen.

What is the secret behind Apple Watch banned?

Apple suffered such a big blow when a complaint came from the ITC that Apple had infringed the pulse oximetry patent of medical-monitoring technology company Masimo and this included the Series 9 and Apple Watch Ultra 2 models. On the basis of this complaint, Apple has been ordered to stop the import and sale of its watch.

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After this decision of ITC, President Biden had 60 days. December 25 to veto this order on the basis of public policy concerns and now it has been completed, although Apple has not received any response from its side. Because of this Apple Watch banned.

The patent infringement by ITC includes Series 9 and Apple Watch Ultra 2 models.

Massimo has mostly defended Apple in court, accusing it of hiring its employees and stealing its technology. However, the trial ended with a mistrial in May after the jury found Massimo guilty of the charges.

What remains to be seen on Apple Watch banned is whether the White House ban will be lifted on Apple’s appeal? Apple manufactures most of its products overseas, primarily in China; Jurisdiction is also added to the International Trade Commission in this matter.

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